Hello ladies, I know for a lot of us postpartum is not the best thing ever. I might be the few lucky ones who didn’t fall into postpartum depression/body image/mood swings etc. However, I stand tall with all of my mamas who couldn’t have the best postpartum experience. I promise with the simple things your postpartum is going to be the best as I made conscious efforts to make my postpartum better.
Here are a few simple things I did to make my postpartum better and I’d be so happy if it helps even a tiny bit you ladies as well….
First thing first, believes it or not I did more of my research on postpartum than on pregnancy. Like I had ZERO concerns regarding pregnancy (I’ll write another post about how to have a calm and fear-free pregnancy). I read articles, quick researched, and all boiled down to a healthy lifestyle. It’s as simple as it is. Your mental health is directly connected to your physical health. Think about it, how could the mind be healthy in an unhealthy body when it’s all connected? so I literally focused on eating healthy and nothing else. I didn’t care about how I looked. Not once I looked at my stomach or body as I really focused on nourishing my mind. My mind decided that I won’t allow postpartum depression and I didn’t have it. All I did ate healthily and avoided people who could create stress for me (this one is not easy for a lot of people I know ).
Secondly, I’m telling you ladies as your sister that please do not focus on ANYTHING like anything other than your health and feeding your baby. That’s what I did for good and it worked. I didn’t enter in the kitchen first 2 weeks as I am lucky to have a loving mother who took care of me. I know this one is not easy for a lot of ladies and in that case get healthy frozen meals packed up in your fridge. 2 weeks I enough time to do that meal planning for the next whole month because I did it apart from my mom’s delicious Pakistani foods. I made Salmon, chicken, gluten-free pasta with shrimp and Turkish salads which are super easy. Erol, my husband made fresh cheesy omelets every single morning for one month. Luckily he was off.
Moreover, please take all of your supplements REGULARLY. Postpartum is a time in women’s life when their hormones would go whack if they don’t eat healthily. Eating healthy postpartum is crucial just like in pregnancy. I linked all of my important supplements here that I took for 1 year and am still taking. Edanur is turning 1 by the end of this month. I am taking zinc click here, selenium click here, and magnesium click here every single day. I also take Ashwagandha regularly click here (this one I’d highly recommend to reduce stress and balance your estrogen levels ). If you nourish your mind, your hormones would stay in check, and as result, postpartum depression chances would be a lot less likely.
Last but not the least, I know many of ladies are highly concerned about our bodies. I think to some extent as well. We all do. My weight remained the same pre and post-pregnancy and it’s not a miracle because I put effort towards my health so I wasn’t concerned about my weight at all but that doesn’t mean my body didn’t change. I got light stretch marks but who cares my value as a woman and as a mother has only increased in my eyes. I focus on healthy eating and I am back to where I started BUT I have embraced the change. If you embrace the change with dignity I believe that gives another perspective to look beyond our bodies. Every day I wake up with a healthy mind and I am able to look after my baby it makes me super thankful to God for all the blessings. If weight is your concern start eating right before you even get pregnant and if you are pregnant take it as a golden chance to fix your eating for your baby’s sake and it would make your postpartum life so much easier. My appetite didn’t change at all as I never snack or binge eat hence the reason my weight remained the same so I am not surprised about that.
Little changes make postpartum so much happier and easier…..
I always thought it is NOT normal for this many women to have postpartum depression. Our support system is very important but above all our health is important and I hope you ladies make that a priority, especially during postpartum. Feel free to ask for meal plans that I provide to women only and I am so glad it helped many of you ladies in postpartum. Feel free to contact me for a free consultation click here
Till then take care and enjoy your postpartum !!
2 weeks before giving birth. I was 38 weeks pregnant here.
8 months postpartum here